Factory sidings must always be available since they are the lifeline of the industry. We accomplish this through safe and reliable maintenance.
Strukton Rail Short Line manages over 150 rail connections where the main railway branches off to a factory line via a junction switch. Industrial partners use these lines for the supply and removal of raw materials and finished products. We purely act as a railway manager for them, and take any concerns about the availability of the railway line off their hands.
We monitor and inspect the factory sidings and carry out maintenance and renovations where necessary. We ensure that your factory siding is safe and reliable on the basis of an upkeep agreement. Based on our smart maintenance and asset management concept (in compliance with the ISO 55001 certificate), we are increasingly better able to predict maintenance and that saves on costs. We keep the rail line optimally available to freight traffic and in this way guarantee the 24/7 continuity of industrial processes.
“We keep the rail line optimally available to freight traffic and guarantee the 24/7 continuity of industrial processes”
We enter into long-term agreements with our partners, who are active in the petrochemical, steel, coal and other industries. Long-term depreciation is cost-efficient and makes it possible to spread out investments over time. We look after the leasing, maintenance and renovation of your factory siding (High-Quality Public Transport).
We expect that the transport of freight by rail will be given a tremendous boost. As one of the most sustainable means of transport, the train can contribute to the goal of reducing CO2 emissions. Together with a highly favourable cost-benefit ratio, freight transport by rail is an interesting alternative to transport by road.
Our smart maintenance concept for industrial lines is focused on predictability. Applying continuous monitoring, we can provide for preventive rahter than corrective maintenance. Our international experience with climate fluctuations – ranging from the cold in Sweden to the heat in Australia – comes in very handy in this respect. As a result, we know how your rail line will behave under changing conditions. This way we provide comprehensive full-service solutions.